Speaking Engagements
Jayme Boucher (she/her)
Director of Hachette Speakers Bureau, a division of Hachette Book Group
Youth Literary Agent
Michael Bourret
Dystel, Goderich & Bourret
Dystel, Goderich & Bourret
Adult Literary Agent
Jane Dystel
Dystel, Goderich & Bourret
Publicity, Bookstore & Festival Requests
Cheryl Lew
For Treasure Island requests, please contact: Taylan.Salvati@harpercollins.com
Media Rights Agent
Media Rights Agent
Mary Pender, William Morris Agency
Order Books
Want to order a large number of books for an upcoming visit? Follow Little, Brown’s instructions outlined here.
Contact Jewell
If you’d like to send me a letter or package, please address it to:
4004 Washington Ave W.
Seattle, WA 98199
Or email me directly: jewellparkerrhodes@gmail.com